Brooke Deratany Goldfarb, JD, President

A Member of a Friendly Divorce Network of Family Mediators, Brooke created Peaceful Beach in 2008 to guide couples and families through the divorce process in a more dignified manner; create more opportunities for individuals and families to resolve conflict outside of costly and dehumanizing litigation; and help people move forward in positive and healthy ways. Brooke believes clients are the experts in their own lives, and creates a safe space for parties to feel heard and respected while brainstorming solutions in the best interest of all parties. Her goal is to empower individuals to exercise self determination and resolve their own problems without giving away their power and to keep clients from being traumatized or re-traumatized by impersonal and dehumanizing court systems and processes.
Brooke is a Florida Supreme Court Certified County, Family, & Circuit Civil Mediator; Qualified Arbitrator; Elder Mediator; Eldercaring Coordinator, and Divorce Coach, known mostly for her compassionate case management of the divorce process for hundreds of Florida couples.
She empowers divorcing couples and individuals to do so with dignity and privacy as they focus on the positive and on the future, limit psychological and financial damage, heal from the grief of divorce, protect their family and get on with life.
Since graduating from Harvard Law School in 1996, Brooke has practiced in multiple areas of the law as an active member of the Florida Bar.